^-^ Welcome to lurret's website! :D - Updates: Version 1.10 of the site is live!! I have a new reference sheet! - Project 3 is still PEAK!! Let me cook... i hope i can get new details out soon!! - Current happenings: hiding in your wifi... - Other messages: I hope everyone visiting this site has a great day <3

What is this place?

Welcome to my site, you've been here for as long as you can remember. (jk),
this is a site I've made to express myself on the internet, and gain my own little space to show off my personal style as well as my passion projects!
Who are you?

Hi, my name is lurret, welcome to my site!! <3
I'm a music producer and musician, and also happen to be the webmaster of the site you are currently on.
If you'd like to learn more about me, click here, otherwise I hope you enjoy what this site has to offer!
Current status